Sarah's Day

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My first London meal.

I just cooked my first meal that I ate will I was in London. I made chicken pad thai. Can you believe it. I found a box in Krogers of all places that had everything I need to make it. I found it by accident actually. I have been craving it since we left London and have been looking for any of the ingredients to make it. I thought if I found one thing than maybe I could find some more. Anyways I wasn't so lucky until the other day when I found the box. I was so excited it had everything, well it had the rice noodles and the sauce which was all I needed. In my recipe I added the chicken and egg (it had called for it with some limes and peanuts but I didn't use them). It took some time to make it but it was so good. Not as good as the thai restaurant but still it was as good as I will get in Blytheville. Next I think I might try making sticky toffee pudding. That was the best dessert I had besides the ice cream from the la Mama restaurant and the turkish sweets from the opera place. Maybe my Aunt Teresa can whip me some up the next time she comes. :) She is great at making deserts and other things. Well got to go look up recipes of my next creation . Bye :)

Monday, July 24, 2006

My rated R picture

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July !

I wanted to say Happy 4th. My day was pretty boring. I slept till 9 and then didn't do anything all day . I manly spent the whole day on the computer. How much fun is that :) Well got to go watch the fireworks. Tata :)