Sarah's Day

Monday, August 14, 2006

15 days until MY Birthday

I am counting down the days until my birthday . I can't believe I am almost 26 :( . I feel so old. To bad we can't just stay one age the rest of our lives. :) I don't really want anything. Maybe some hot hot guys from London. HaHa . The one thing I wish that I could get is a digital camera .I have been wanting one for a while . I don't want an expensive one but I do want to be able to see the picture on the back after you take it. Or I want money to save so I can go back to London (that is only if the planes are safe ) . Anyways anything I get I will be happy, even if it is just a card or a phone call(from the hot guy at Amy's work :) ).


At 2:41 AM, Blogger Amy said...

I'll get right on that...

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Sarah C said...

Please do with all of it :)


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